Year: 2022

One Line Art work

Task Description:Today i have completed one of the summer learning journey tasks for this task we had to get one of the lines curve or polyline your choice so what you could do is make your own art and do like some very cool shapes and if you would like to if you want to decorate with colours you could and also put cool backgrounds behind your picture.

summer learning journey Giga Manga task

Task description: Today i have completed one of the summer learning journey we could draw scribbles and then it will turn into cool pieces of art and once you’ve finished you could decorate it with some of your favourite you could just .look to your left and you will see a paint pallet right underneath the pencil


Task Description: Today i have completed one of the summer learning journey task on our school site i have done one about samoa and one about tonga we are so suprised of how tonga and samoa have come in the rugby league world cup hope you enjoy.

Toa Samoa summer learning journey

Task Description:Today i have completed a summer learning journey task it was about toa samoa and we had to make a poster about the toa samoa team that played in the rugby league world cup tournament we are very proud of the toa samoa team as they made the rugby league world cup and has made us all proud we love you toa samoa.

ginger bread house

Task Description:

If i were to build a gingerbread house i would use some jelly beans as the walls and use start bursts and squish them into little squares.And then for the roof i would also use little pieces of cookies for the roof and for the chimney also for the trees i would use loollie pop sticks and use some edible lollie leaves to put on. And with the pieces of cookies I would melt chocolate to make it stick with the cookies and for the door I will use chocolate bars and make sure it will not melt.and also I will use gumballs to decorate my gingerbread house and for the door I would use icing for Christmas scarves. 

ofili’s way

Task Description:Today i have completed some of my inquiry learning i have done lots of photopea with Mrs west for a long time and have gotten better and better each time i go on i really liked drawing and learning witch places are making me calm i really liked how it turned our hope you enjoy it.

Novel study

Task Description: Today i have completed one of my reading i had to complete tw0 task on each page but some of them were one page task and it had some interesting requests for my task and it also was very hard to do but i manged to finish it in time.It was also bye cinco paul and the name of the book that i have read every day is dispicable me three hope you enjoy.