Year: 2022

A Work of Art

Task Description: Hi readers this is my work of art reading task. One of the task I had to do was create something with my rubbish, I made a banana palm tree. I used my fruit burst wrappers as the trunk and my banana peel as my leaves. I hope you enjoy.


Immersion Assembly

Task Description:At the start Of term free we had an immersion Assembly all the pt england kids had to go to the hall for assembly. We had the karkia and then the mihi.Then we had a little talk and then the teachers from each team did some cool performances. First Team 1 Did Theirs and than team 2 and then team 3 ours was really cool Our teachers were singing we had mrs west mrs setifano. And mrs scanlan mrs carruthers and mr j and mr ramold and mrs moala i liked our one the most and then it went on to team 4 than to team 5 team 5 one was so hillarous mr moran was dressed up as the beast in beauty of the beast and the princess. Was mr wise man it was so funny they played it in penn videos Then we All went Back To Our Class to work.

Adding By Making 10

Task Description: Greeting readers. Because of the long weekend that’s going on right now, I thought it was a great idea to look through my school work and see what I’ve missed. This is the only task that was uncompleted. This is one of my maths task that was given to me in week one. Its all about adding numbers by making 10 or 100s, which is also known as partitioning. I enjoyed doing this task, as it challenged my brain, and gave me a new way to do addition.


Literacy: Word, Family, Fun.

Task Description: Morning, Afternoon whatever the time your reading this. This is one of my literacy tasks I had worked on throughout the week. In this task I was able to learn, about rhyming words, and what words sound the same. For example bug rhymes with hug, and tug and mug. 

I enjoyed doing this task because it gave my the opportunity to think hard.