Day: June 6, 2024

The Red Ball

Task Description:Today I have completed my task for reading I had to read a text and then create my own answer using my own sentences and make infrences by connecting pieces of information in the text, and forming a conclusion and practice reading aloud with a clear voice and share out our opinions and thoughts about the text were reading. 

Developing Characters Into Narratives

On one beautiful shiny day, and there was a girl named mele and she just rose from the roots of the tree which means that she can grow anything but it just has to include something with leaves but she has everything in control that’s in the forest including bugs roots, trees and plants she uses these to her advantage if there is anything coming to her for battle or war and if you go battle with her you willf find yourself in heaps of trouble.

Developing Characters Into Narratives

There once was a chief named loto, he is a very old man but has the official looks of a little kid he is very powerful and capable of protecting people from his land especially his big tigers, he treats it as pets but also makes them train harder and harder each and everyday and uses the tigers to defeat his enemies or trouble makers that are in his way.

Developing Characters Into Narratives

There once was a little boy who got raised by kings and chiefs and his name is Sualauvi faalogo he then got taken away for a reason he then woke up after a couple years. He was 2000 years old. He was two glowing purple globes before he was taken from his family, he is now the king of the forest and has the animals he needs to protect him he then uses he globes to defeat his enemies and Trespassers.