
Task Description: Today we had to do some writing abou One beautiful sunny morning, mrs. Moala saw a really strange sight when she opened her eyes. When she pulled open the classroom curtains,her eyes grew large, the sky was purple and the trees were lollipops. What is going on? She wondered if I should put on my new glasses! Mrs. Moala reached over and put on her new glasses she got after having her eyes checked. When she opened the classroom door she turned into the cool breeze. She smiled. To her right she saw a friendly face Ms Scanlan was smiling and coming through the door holding her pack pack. Did you see the lollipop tree? “ Mrs. Moala said yea Ms Scanlan said. aren’t they great

Superhero Dictation

Task Description: Today we got to choose if we wanted to hand write or type on our chrome books while typing we had to listen to a dictation

On a peaceful morning, Batman went for a relaxed walk with Wonder Women. They slowly cruised up the street and than turned left into our school. Suddenly Batman heard a loud scream, help! We are stuck. Batman and Wonder Woman sprinted as fast  as lightning through the breeze between two teachers and then turned right towards Te Kapua. After they flew across the court, they raced along the bike track, over the field and under the monkey bars. We will save you! Shouted the superheros  so they climbed up the top of the monkey bars and they helped all of the children down.